Jan 2025【日本東北】溫泉三昧之旅③ 在大雪飄落的雪國,追尋秘湯之宿與極上美食(宮城縣~鹽釜水產市場的美味海鮮丼&中之沢溫泉)




我很好奇,於是深入研究了他們的故事。這一切開始於幾個世紀前,在江戶時代的東北地區中心。人們認為,木芥子娃娃的起源與「木芥子屋」有關,木芥子屋是技藝精湛的木工,專門製作木製物品。 這些工匠居住在東北各地的溫泉村,他們在寧靜的冬季運用自己的技藝製作出這些樸素而優雅的娃娃。

最早的木芥子被稱為“傳統木芥子”,是由東北地區溫泉村的木芥子匠人製作的。 每個地區都形成了自己獨特的風格,具有獨特的頭部形狀、身體圖案和繪畫技巧。 這些娃娃不僅僅是玩物;它們被賦予了更深刻的含義,通常被用作感情的象徵或紀念品。

隨著時間的推移,木芥子娃娃的流行範圍擴展到了溫泉村之外。 到了20世紀中葉,「創意木芥子」開始出現,展現出更廣泛的設計和藝術表現。 這些當代木芥子通常具有複雜的細節、鮮豔的色彩和創新的形式,反映了創作者不斷發展的藝術性。

如今,木芥子娃娃被視為日本民間藝術的象徵,體現了工匠精神和傳統。 它們讓我愉快地回憶起穿越東北的旅程,那是一個歷史與創造力交織的地區。







After checking out in the morning, I asked the hotel to call two taxis to take us to Shiroishi Zao Station. When we got off the train at Shiroishi Zao Station, the snowflakes were dancing, which was mesmerizing. Before our eyes, the Zao Mountains stand majestically, with their peaks covered with white snow, glittering in the sunlight, like a giant silver dragon hovering on the skyline.

I stood before the station, mesmerized by this grand spectacle. The snow-covered peaks of the Zao mountain range, layer upon layer, stretched endlessly, showcasing the awe-inspiring power of nature. The trees on the slopes were adorned in white, some completely enveloped in snow, forming a pristine white forest, while others were delicately decorated with snowflakes, like intricate silver lace.

Inside the station, a cozy waiting area offered respite from the cold, and my eyes were drawn to a captivating display of kokeshi dolls. These weren't just any dolls; they were  "Naruko kokeshi," renowned for their unique craftsmanship and history, deeply intertwined with this very region.

Intrigued, I delved into their story. It all began centuries ago, in the heart of the Tohoku region, during the Edo period.  The origins of kokeshi dolls are believed to be connected to the "kijiya," skilled woodturners who crafted wooden objects.  These artisans, residing in hot spring villages scattered throughout Tohoku, would utilize their skills during the quiet winter months to create these simple yet elegant dolls.

The earliest kokeshi, known as "traditional kokeshi," emerged from the hands of these kijiya in the onsen villages of Tohoku.  Each region developed its own distinct style, with unique head shapes, body patterns, and painting techniques.  These dolls weren't just playthings; they were imbued with a deeper meaning, often given as tokens of affection or souvenirs.

As time passed, the popularity of kokeshi dolls spread beyond the hot spring villages.  By the mid-20th century, "creative kokeshi" began to emerge, showcasing a wider range of designs and artistic expressions.  These contemporary kokeshi often feature intricate details, vibrant colors, and innovative forms, reflecting the evolving artistry of the creators.

Today, kokeshi dolls are cherished as symbols of Japanese folk art, embodying the spirit of craftsmanship and tradition. 

While waiting for my train at the station, I came across a striking red signboard with the bold headline "Experience the Warring States Period, Visit the Hometown of Sanada Yukimura." It turns out that Yurihonjo City, Shiroishi City, and Zao Town in Miyagi Prefecture all have deep connections to the famous Warring States period general, Sanada Yukimura! Looks like my trip to Miyagi will include not only beautiful scenery but also a journey through history!

The signboard detailed the relationship between these three places and the Sanada clan:

Yurihonjo City appears to be where Sanada Yukimura's daughter, "Oume," married and settled down.  She married the lord of the Honjo domain and spent the rest of her life there. The signboard mentioned that her grave, memorial tablet, and some of her personal belongings are preserved in the city. It seems like a place where I could get a glimpse into the life of this historical figure!

Shiroishi City is where Sanada Yukimura's second daughter, "Oshobu,"  was married off to the head of the Katakura clan, who were retainers of the famous Date Masamune. The signboard emphasized that Shiroishi Castle was "the city where Princess Oume lived," suggesting that this city also holds many historical sites and stories related to the Sanada clan.

Zao Town is even more remarkable – it's "the only place in Japan where Sanada Yukimura's bloodline continues"! Apparently, Yukimura's second son, "Daihachi," fled here after the Summer Siege of Osaka and lived in secrecy. Zao Town still preserves the graves and family tree of Sanada Yukimura's descendants, which is truly precious!

It seems these three places are intricately connected to the Sanada clan and each boasts its own unique history and culture. If I have time to explore these places in depth, I'm sure I can feel the turbulent times of the Warring States period and the legendary story of the Sanada clan come to life!









鹽釜水產市場,正式名稱為「鹽釜水產物仲卸市場」,鹽釜作為海鮮天堂的聲譽已有數百年歷史,其根源深深植根於三陸海岸豐富的漁場。 市場本身就是一種文化遺產的見證,迷宮般的市場裡有 100 多個攤位,擺滿了海洋珍品。 從鹽釜漁民引以為傲的閃閃發光的鮪魚,到牡蠣和海膽等時令美食,種類繁多,令人驚嘆。

我漫步在色彩繽紛的迷宮中,眼前的景色、聲音和氣味都讓我震撼。 商人們自豪地展示他們的商品,齊聲喊著招呼,以最新鮮的漁獲承諾吸引顧客。 這種活力具有感染力,一陣陣的活動從黎明前開始,一直持續到下午早些時候。



隨後,我們在市場附近的餐廳吃午餐,我們各點了一份「三陸丼(特上海鮮)」,這是「塩竃丼」的升級版,多了海膽、螃蟹和鮭魚卵,且「限定15食」,售價 3500 日圓。





 鹽釜是一個傳統與創新並存的地方,新鮮的海鮮與烹飪創意在這裡相遇。 這次經歷將永遠銘刻在我的記憶中,讓我銘記大海的豐富資源和那些畢生致力於將美味送到我們餐桌上的人們的堅韌精神。

The sun streamed through the windows of Sendai Station as I embarked on my journey to Shiogama Fish Market, a sense of excitement bubbling within me. My culinary adventure began with a ride on the JR Senseki Line.  Following the clear signage on the platform, I located the train bound for Ishinomaki and settled into a window seat, eager to watch the scenery unfold.

As the train pulled away from the station, the urban landscape gradually gave way to serene coastal views.  The sparkling blue waters of the ocean stretched out before me, dotted with fishing boats and the occasional soaring seagull, fueling my anticipation.

After a pleasant 30-minute ride, the train arrived at Higashi-Shiogama Station. Stepping onto the platform, I was greeted by the refreshing scent of the sea, a reminder of the coastal town's identity.  I hailed a taxi and gave the driver my destination: "Shiogama Fish Market."

During the short ride, I observed the streetscape through the window, noting the many shops and decorations related to the sea, a testament to the area's strong fishing culture.  About 10 minutes later, the taxi pulled up to a vibrant building bustling with activity.  This was it – the Shiogama Fish Market I had been so eager to explore.

The salty tang of the sea air filled my nostrils as I stepped into the bustling energy of Shiogama Fish Market.  The ground hummed with activity, a symphony of shouts and laughter mingling with the clatter of crates and the rhythmic thud of knives against cutting boards.  This was no ordinary market; this was Shiogama, a place where the heart of Miyagi Prefecture's fishing culture beat strong.

Shiogama's reputation as a seafood haven stretched back centuries, its roots firmly planted in the rich fishing grounds of the Sanriku Coast.  The market itself, officially known as the "Shiogama Gyosui Nakagai Market," was a sprawling testament to this heritage, a labyrinth of over 100 stalls overflowing with the ocean's bounty.  From glistening tuna, the pride of Shiogama's fishermen, to the seasonal delicacies like oysters and sea urchins, the variety was simply staggering.

I wandered through the vibrant maze, my senses overwhelmed by the sights, sounds, and smells.  Merchants proudly displayed their wares, their voices rising in a chorus of persuasive calls, enticing customers with promises of the freshest catches.  The energy was infectious, a whirlwind of activity that started before dawn and continued until the early afternoon.

One of the highlights of Shiogama Fish Market was the "My Kaisendon" experience.  This unique concept allowed people to create their own personalized seafood rice bowl.  Armed with a bowl of steaming rice, and handpicking your favorite seafood from the surrounding stalls.  With a dizzying array of choices, from succulent tuna to plump scallops, the possibilities were endless.

But Shiogama Fish Market was more than just a place to eat.  It was a living museum, a testament to the city's rich fishing history.  From its origins as a vital base for the North Pacific fishing fleet to its current status as Japan's leading port for fresh tuna, Shiogama's story was intertwined with the ebb and flow of the tides.

Afterwards, we had lunch at a restaurant near the market. We each ordered the "Sanriku-don (special seafood)," which is an upgraded version of the "Shiogama-don." It comes with extra sea urchin, crab, and salmon roe, and is limited to only 15 servings a day, priced at 3500 yen.

As soon as it arrived, I was blown away by the sheer abundance of fresh seafood overflowing from the bowl. It was an absolute feast for the eyes!  The glistening salmon roe sparkled with an alluring sheen, the vibrant red tuna looked succulent and tender, and there were plump scallops, bouncy sweet shrimp, and melt-in-your-mouth salmon... It was like a seafood carnival in a bowl!

I couldn't wait to try it and immediately picked up a piece of salmon.  Oh my! It melted in my mouth, releasing a burst of freshness and sweetness that danced on my tongue. It was pure bliss! Then I took a bite of the sea urchin, and the rich, briny flavor instantly filled my senses. Paired with the perfectly cooked rice, it was incredibly satisfying.

Every piece of seafood was expertly prepared, incredibly fresh, and without a hint of fishiness. You could truly savor the natural flavors of each ingredient. Even the supporting cast was impressive: the tamagoyaki (sweet omelet) was delightful, the wakame seaweed was refreshing, and the pickled ginger added a perfect touch of zest, elevating the overall flavor profile of the donburi.

Before I knew it, I had devoured the entire bowl. It was utterly satisfying!  As expected, a visit to the Shiogama Fish Market must include indulging in their incredibly fresh seafood donburi! This trip has been absolutely worth it!
Shiogama was a place where tradition and innovation danced hand in hand, where the freshest seafood met culinary creativity.  It was an experience that would forever be etched in my memory, a reminder of the incredible bounty of the sea and the enduring spirit of the people who dedicated their lives to bringing it to our tables.





從魚市場玩到神社 塩釜漁港叫我目瞪口呆


  1. かに料理 札幌かに本家 仙台店: 「札幌かに本家 仙台店」是一家專門提供螃蟹料理的餐廳,位於仙台市青葉區一番町4-2-5,鄰近廣瀨通站,交通便利。
    地址:4-chōme-2-5 Ichibanchō, Aoba Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 980-0811日本
    電話:+81 22-213-0505
    Google 評分:4.2,評論數:309。
  2. 螃蟹政宗本町店: 「かに政宗 本町店」位於仙台市青葉區,以新鮮的螃蟹料理為主,提供多樣化的菜單,包括螃蟹刺身、烤螃蟹、螃蟹火鍋等,滿足不同饕客的需求。店內裝潢融合現代與傳統日式風格,設有禪風主題的私人包廂,營造舒適且安靜的用餐環境,適合與家人或朋友共度美好時光。
    地址:2-chōme-5-18 Honchō, Aoba Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 980-0014日本
    電話:+81 22-265-0880
    Google 評分:3.9,評論數:475。
  3. Kanimasamune Izumi Ten: 「かに政宗 泉店」位於仙台市泉區,鄰近八乙女站,交通便利。 該餐廳以新鮮的螃蟹料理為主,提供多樣化的菜單,包括螃蟹刺身、烤螃蟹、螃蟹火鍋等,滿足不同饕客的需求。
    地址:Harada-100-2 Ichinazaka, Izumi Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 981-3117日本
    電話:+81 22-375-9000
    Google 評分:3.8,評論數:1091。
  4. Kochira Marutoku Gyogyobu Izakaya Sanriku Sanchoku Ichiba.: 「こちら丸特漁業部 居酒屋 三陸直送市場」位於仙台市青葉區,鄰近仙台站,交通便利。該居酒屋以直接從三陸地區運送的新鮮海鮮為特色,提供多樣化的料理,如刺身、燒烤、煮物等,讓客人盡情享受海鮮的美味。此外,餐廳提供各種本地清酒,讓客人能夠搭配美食,享受更豐富的用餐體驗。
    地址:日本〒980-0021 Miyagi, Sendai, Aoba Ward, Chūō, 1-chōme−8−38, Ak Bldg., 7階
    電話:+81 22-265-4333
    Google 評分:3.7,評論數:573。
  5. 鮮魚中心1-1: 「おさかなセンター イチノイチ」位於仙台市青葉區中央1-1-5,距離仙台車站步行約5分鐘,交通便利。該餐廳以新鮮的海鮮料理聞名,特別是海鮮丼飯,生魚片的份量豐富,幾乎滿溢出碗外。此外,餐廳提供多種握壽司選擇,每貫價格實惠,讓客人以合理的價格享受新鮮美味的壽司。
    地址:1-chōme-1-5 Chūō, Aoba Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 980-0021日本
    電話:+81 22-226-8183
    Google 評分:3.7,評論數:384。






沼尻溫泉,又稱中之沢溫泉,坐落在磐梯朝日國立公園內,海拔 1,250 公尺,是一處寧靜的世外桃源。 這個僻靜的村莊擁有日本湧出量最多的天然溫泉的稱號,其歷史可以追溯到近四個世紀前的江戶時代。自江戶時代的寶曆年間就以「腸胃名湯」聞名,擁有豐富的強酸性硫磺泉,據說對腸胃疾病、皮膚病等特別有效。










菜單品項以優雅的日式書法書寫,充滿著傳統韻味。菜單開頭的「雪化粧の御献立」幾個字,如同詩句一般,宣告這是一場以「雪化粧」為主題的盛宴,讓我想像著窗外白雪皚皚的冬日美景,與眼前這份溫潤的菜單相得益彰。而菜單末端的「御宿万亭 料理長」印章,更增添了這份菜單的莊重感,也讓我更加期待今晚的晚宴。










This afternoon, our original plan was to take the ryokan's shuttle bus from Inawashiro Station to the inn. However, a blizzard forced the Ban'etsu West Line to suspend service, making the train journey from Koriyama to Inawashiro impossible. This unexpected turn of events forced us to alter our plans. We ended up hailing a taxi from Koriyama Station to take us directly to the ryokan.

As the taxi left the bustling city of Koriyama, it meandered deeper into the snow-covered mountains. The expansive lake views gradually gave way to towering trees, and occasionally we caught glimpses of traditional Japanese houses blanketed in white.

Numajiri Onsen, also known as Nakanosawa Onsen, is nestled within the Bandai Asahi National Park at an elevation of 1,250 meters. This secluded village boasts the title of Japan's most abundant natural hot spring, with a history dating back nearly four centuries to the Edo period. Renowned as the "hot spring for stomach ailments" since the Horeki era (1751-1764) of the Edo period, it features an abundant supply of strong acidic sulfurous hot spring water, said to be particularly effective for gastrointestinal disorders and skin diseases.

As we arrived at the onsen town, snowflakes were gently falling, adding a touch of magic to this ancient hot spring village. Our chosen accommodation, "Oyado Manyotei," was located in the heart of the town, enveloped by a serene beech forest. Though the blizzard and train disruption had thrown our plans into disarray, my anxiety finally dissipated as the taxi pulled up to the ryokan's entrance.

Stepping inside, the warm lighting and wooden decor instantly created a sense of relaxation. Our room was a spacious combination of two traditional Japanese-style rooms, with soft futons laid out on the tatami floor. The view from the window was a picturesque winter wonderland.

We quickly changed into our yukatas and headed to the onsen. Manyotei's hot spring water flows directly from the source, "gensen kake nagashi." The milky white water, with a faint sulfurous scent, was incredibly smooth and soothing.

The source of Nakanosawa Onsen, Numajiri Motoyu, gushes from the volcanic heart of Mount Adatara. It boasts an impressive flow rate of 13,400 liters per minute, making it Japan's champion of single-source hot springs. This potent water, rich in sulfur and other minerals, is a highly acidic sulfur spring with a pH of 1.7-2.1. As acidic as lemon juice, it is surprisingly gentle on the skin and renowned for its therapeutic benefits. Locals claim it can alleviate joint pain, banish colds, and even ward off diabetes.

The ryokan's rotenburo (outdoor bath) and private rotenburo were truly exceptional. Surrounded by serene mountains, the snow-covered trees appeared almost mystical through the rising steam. As I soaked in the hot water, snowflakes gently falling around me, all my worries seemed to melt away.

The locals told me that the water of Numajiri Onsen comes from Mount Adatara, 7 kilometers away. This is the same mountain featured in the poet Kotaro Takamura's collection "Chieko-sho," specifically the areas known as "Numa-no-Taira" and "Shoji-iwa." Knowing that I was bathing in a hot spring with such a rich history and literary connection filled me with a sense of wonder. I recalled my solo winter climbing of snow-covered Mount Adatara about ten years ago, the memories still vivid in my mind.

What truly sets Numajiri Onsen apart is its wild, untamed character. To ensure visitors can safely experience this natural wonder, the local onsen association has carefully maintained the trails, offering guided tours that lead adventurers deep into the heart of the steaming wilderness.  The village is surrounded by the towering peaks of Mount Adatara, Mount Bandai, and Mount Nishi-Azuma, making it a paradise for nature lovers.  The breathtaking Tarosawa Fudo Falls are also just a short drive away.

As dusk settled, we made our way to the ryokan's dining room, our appetites whetted by a relaxing soak in the onsen.  The soft lighting and warm wooden furnishings created a cozy and inviting atmosphere.

The waiter presented us with an exquisite menu, a testament to the inn's dedication to showcasing local ingredients and the traditions of Japanese cuisine.

The menu, adorned with elegant calligraphy, exuded a sense of tradition.  The title, "Snow-Kissed Feast," was poetic, evoking images of the winter wonderland outside and complementing the warm ambiance of the ryokan. The chef's personal seal at the end of the menu added a touch of formality and heightened our anticipation for the culinary experience to come.

Our feast began with the "Winter Play in the Mountains" appetizer, a playful assortment of seasonal delicacies including persimmon jelly and dried mullet roe with kelp.

Next came a platter of fresh sashimi, highlighting the chef's skillful knife work and the natural sweetness of the seafood.  Melt-in-your-mouth maple salmon from Aomori, served with Aizu soy sauce and homemade scallion sauce, promised a burst of flavor.

A steaming hot pot, simmering with local Aizu leeks and sake, warmed our souls.  This was followed by a dish featuring prized Fukushima beef and Date chicken, accompanied by thick-cut shiitake mushrooms and spring chrysanthemum.

The ryokan's signature dish, a "yaki goma tofu" with a rich, smoky flavor, was a highlight.

A medley of winter vegetables simmered in a delicate broth, followed by a refreshing soba noodle course made with local Aizu buckwheat flour.

Rice with simmered burdock root, pickled local vegetables, and a clear soup with "mitsuba" (Japanese wild parsley) cleansed the palate.

The meal concluded with a sweet finale of pear sorbet and "kinako warabi mochi" (bracken starch cakes with roasted soybean flour) accompanied by seasonal fruits, a perfect ending to our "Snow-Kissed Feast."

I savored each dish, appreciating the visual artistry and exquisite flavors. This culinary journey was undoubtedly a highlight of my travels, a memory I will cherish long after my departure.










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