Jan 2025【苗栗三義】富貴牡丹(三義館)人文藝術餐廳|預約制|在美術館裡吃無菜單料理
富貴三義美術館成立於 2011 年,在提供藝文體驗的同時,也讓訪客在森林中享用美食。美術館依地形高低差建造,營造出深度的藝術觀賞體驗。這座山中美術館的設計籌備歷時三年、修築構建四年,共計七年才建造完成。
On the second day of the Lunar New Year, we dined at FUGUEI Peony Art Restaurant, a reservation-only restaurant that also serves as an art museum, located near the old street of Sanyi, Miaoli. Fu Gui Mu Dan has two branches: Yingge Fu Gui Museum and FUGUEI Sanyi Museum. It is said that the Sanyi branch has been open for over ten years and offers both a great dining atmosphere and a beautiful environment.
Hidden within the lush green mountains of Sanyi, the FUGUEI Sanyi Art Museum is a secret retreat where visitors can simultaneously enjoy art, nature, and architecture. Located in Miaoli, the museum boasts magnificent mountain views. Beyond being a venue for art exhibitions, the building itself harmonizes perfectly with the surrounding natural environment. Its mirror-like water feature reflects the changing seasons, presenting a stunning display of nature’s beauty.
Established in 2011, the FUGUEI Sanyi Art Museum offers not only an artistic and cultural experience but also the opportunity to enjoy gourmet food in a forest setting. The museum was designed to follow the natural terrain, enhancing the depth of the art-viewing experience. The entire project took a total of seven years—three years of planning and design, followed by four years of construction.
With the core philosophy of "Wealth in the heart, nobility in emotions", the museum encourages every visitor to deeply engage with art and appreciate life. Here, art is no longer distant or unattainable—it becomes an integral part of everyday living.
Both the indoor and outdoor spaces of the museum are expansive, showcasing many exquisite sculptures by artists. The fusion of art, nature, and fine dining creates a truly unique and unforgettable sensory experience—like dining inside an art gallery.
FUGUEI Peony Art Restaurant has only 45 seats and offers Eurasian cuisine, served on artistically crafted tableware. In a peaceful and elegant setting, guests can savor a fine dining experience while enjoying breathtaking views through the windows. This establishment brings together art and cuisine in the most natural way, making both an accessible part of daily life.
富貴牡丹餐廳提供歐亞料理,依當季食材不定期更換菜單,搭配上藝術家創作的實用器皿,以最貼近生活的方式將藝術融入,帶領您品嘗到豐富的味蕾層次之餘,同時飽覽創作文化與大自然之美! 到訪餐廳的路途中,您將漫步於開闊的水景,眺望遠方層層交疊的山巒,窺見收藏於美術館中的自然秘境,在每一處轉折聽見藝術與空間的對話,欣賞精彩的藝術展覽。
富貴牡丹 人文藝術餐廳
營業時間:11:00~20:30 (週二店休)
天空之城 (古堡):距離餐廳約25分鐘車程,是一座融合了歐式古堡和自然景觀的景觀餐廳,可以欣賞到美麗的景色,享用美食。