Connect LinkedIn Account into your Rails Application with Authlogic and OAuth

LinkedIn launched its new API in November 2009, allowing any developer brave enough to implement OAuth to integrate with one of the largest social networks around. Seeking an opportunity to really understand OAuth more fully and play around with the LinkedIn API at the same time, I created the LinkedIn connect sample code. This is a sample Ruby on Rails tutorial to demonstrate how you can use the LinkedIn API to authenticate users and pull their profile data into your own website. GETTING STARTED Before you can use the LinkedIn API, you'll need to set up your API keys. Getting Started with the LinkedIn API 1. Where do I begin? Start by navigating to . This is Linkedin developer portal where you can read API documentation, collaborate with other developers, and keep abreast of changes to the LinkedIn API. From here, click on “LinkedIn APIs.” 2. Now click on “Request an API Key” 3. After logging in, you’re now presented with an opportunit...