Jan 2025【日本東北】溫泉三昧之旅⑤ 在大雪飄落的雪國,追尋秘湯之宿與極上美食(福島~被時光遺忘下的江戶原風景,日本三大茅葺聚落大內宿)













The morning sunlight streamed through the window, casting a warm glow on the tatami mat floor. Outside, the snow-covered mountains sparkled under the clear sky, promising a beautiful day. I rose and went to the window, taking a deep breath of the crisp winter air, filled with anticipation for the day ahead and the delicious breakfast that awaited me at Senkyokaku Ryokan.

The ryokan's dining room had a cozy atmosphere. I settled into a seat by the window, eager to enjoy my meal while taking in the stunning snowy landscape. A beautifully presented breakfast tray arrived, laden with a variety of tempting dishes.

My eyes were first drawn to a bowl of glistening white rice, its aroma filling the air. Next to it was a colorful salad with fresh greens and corn, a delightful way to awaken the appetite.  A piece of grilled salmon beckoned, its skin perfectly crisped and seasoned. A soft-boiled onsen egg, served in a light broth, promised to be both comforting and flavorful.

Several other small dishes completed the ensemble: simmered spinach, hijiki seaweed with konnyaku, grated yam with a touch of soy sauce, and pickled plums and cucumbers. A small glass of sweet mango yogurt provided a perfect ending to the meal.

This breakfast was not only delicious but also nutritious, providing me with plenty of energy for a day of exploring in the winter wonderland. I savored each dish, appreciating the care and hospitality of the ryokan, and feeling a deep sense of gratitude for this wonderful start to the day.

Stepping out from behind the warm curtain of the ryokan, I was greeted by a world painted in silver. Ashinomaki Onsen town lay nestled in the Aizu mountains, blanketed in a thick layer of snow that covered the rooftops, streets, and trees. It was as if time itself had frozen.

My breath rose in frosty puffs in the crisp morning air as I strolled along the onsen street, my footsteps the only sound that dared disturb the profound silence. Occasionally, the drip of melting snow from a roof or the distant chirp of a bird would punctuate the stillness, adding to the sense of serenity.

The Agano River flowed quietly through the valley, its surface skimmed with a thin layer of ice that shimmered in the sunlight. The trees lining the riverbank were adorned in snow, their branches interwoven to form graceful arches. Wisps of smoke curled from the chimneys of the onsen ryokans, adding a touch of warmth to the frigid winter scene.

Wandering through the deserted streets, I felt as though I had stumbled upon a secluded haven, cut off from the rest of the world. The silence, the purity, it all washed over me, bringing a sense of peace and tranquility I had rarely experienced before.

Winter had transformed the mountains into an elegant canvas of white. Snow draped the slopes in varying thicknesses, like ink washes applied with an effortless hand, creating a scene of subtle contrasts. Bare branches swayed gently in the cold breeze, whispering tales of the season.  In the distance, mountain peaks peeked through the misty veil, creating an ethereal landscape that beckoned me to explore.

Ashinomaki Onsen in winter was devoid of noise and crowds, offering a unique sense of tranquility and peace. It was like a melodious tune echoing through the valley, captivating my senses and allowing me to forget the worries of the world.

The mountains, the snow, the quiet onsen town, the swirling mist – together they formed a breathtaking winter tableau, etched forever in my memory as an unforgettable highlight of my journey.











1. 東山溫泉(車程約30分鐘)

  • 東山溫泉的歷史可以追溯到1300多年前,由高僧行基發現,江戶時代即作為藩主的療養地。
  • 東山溫泉的泉質為弱鹼性硫酸鹽泉,觸感滑潤,對皮膚溫和,具有多種療效。據說對於神經痛、肌肉痠痛、關節炎、五十肩、手腳冰冷、腸胃疾病、高血壓、糖尿病、皮膚病等都有療效。
  • 東山溫泉被群山環繞,四季景色分明,春櫻、夏綠、秋楓、冬雪,各有迷人景致。
  • 溫泉街上有許多公共浴池,可以體驗當地的溫泉文化。

2. 湯野上溫泉(車程約15分鐘,搭乘會津鐵道可達)

  • 湯野上溫泉擁有悠久的歷史,據說是由村民們看到受傷的猴子在溫泉中療傷而發現的,因此又被稱為「猿湯」。
  • 湯野上溫泉車站是日本唯一的茅草屋頂車站,被譽為「東北車站百選」之一,成為了湯野上溫泉的標誌性景觀。
  • 湯野上溫泉對於神經痛、肌肉痠痛、關節炎、皮膚病等具有一定的療效,被譽為「美人湯」。
  • 冬季點燈活動「雪見燈廊」極具浪漫氛圍。

3. 飯坂溫泉(車程約2小時)

  • 福島最古老溫泉區之一,與松尾芭蕉《奧之細道》淵源深厚。
  • 飯坂溫泉的泉質為弱鹼性單純溫泉,觸感滑潤,對皮膚溫和,具有多種療效,有「美肌之湯」美譽。
  • 據說對於神經痛、肌肉痠痛、關節炎、五十肩、手腳冰冷、腸胃疾病、高血壓、糖尿病、皮膚病等都有療效。
  • 溫泉街上有許多公共浴池,如鯖湖湯等,可以體驗當地的溫泉文化。

4. 高湯溫泉(車程約2小時)

  • 高湯溫泉擁有悠久的歷史,據說是由高僧行基在1300多年前發現的。
  • 高湯溫泉的泉質以硫磺泉為主,具有多種療效,包括促進血液循環、改善關節痛、舒緩肌肉疲勞等,對於皮膚病、糖尿病、高血壓等慢性疾病也有輔助治療作用,號稱「東北最強療效溫泉」。
  • 高湯溫泉位於吾妻山脈的深山中,冬季降雪量大,被列為日本的豪雪地帶之一,可以一邊泡湯,一邊欣賞雪景。冬季可以體驗「滑雪+泡湯」的雙重享受。

5. 岳溫泉(車程約1.5小時)

  • 岳溫泉位於海拔約600公尺的安達太良山山腰,四季景色分明,春櫻、夏綠、秋楓、冬雪,各有迷人景致。
  • 據說岳溫泉有1200年歷史,由征夷大將軍坂上田村麻呂在東征時發現,連水戶黃門德川光圀都曾造訪,是歷史相當悠久的溫泉勝地。
  • 在全日本屬於少見的酸性泉,據說對神經痛、肌肉痠痛、關節炎、五十肩、手腳冰冷、腸胃疾病、高血壓、糖尿病、皮膚病等都有療效



















Bidding farewell to the cozy warmth of the onsen ryokan, we boarded our chartered taxi, setting off to our final destination – Ouchi-juku.

As our taxi meandered along the mountain roads, the scenery outside grew increasingly enchanting. Snow-capped peaks, forests draped in white, and the occasional glimpse of an ancient thatched-roof house – all these elements composed a breathtaking winter tableau.

Finally, we arrived at Ouchi-juku. Stepping out of the taxi, I was awestruck by the scene that unfolded before me. A thick blanket of snow enveloped the entire village, transforming the quaint, rustic houses into a pristine white wonderland, as if I had stepped into a fairytale.

The crunch of fresh snow beneath my feet accompanied me as I strolled down the main street of Ouchi-juku, feeling as though I had been transported 400 years back in time.  Lined with rows of 400-year-old houses with their distinctive thatched roofs, the village exuded an air of tranquility and timeless beauty, their elegance accentuated by the pristine snow. There were no modern buildings to disrupt the harmony, no noisy traffic; only a serene atmosphere and a profound sense of nostalgia filled the air.

As I wandered along the street, I imagined scenes of weary travelers seeking respite and merchants hawking their wares in days gone by. This village was once a bustling post town on the Aizu Nishi Kaido, a vital route connecting Aizu and Nikko.  However, with the passage of time and the advent of modern transportation, Ouchi-juku faced the threat of decline. Fortunately, the residents recognized the precious value of their village and actively engaged in preservation and revitalization efforts, ensuring its survival to this day.

Ouchi-juku's history dates back to the late Heian period. Legend has it that Prince Takakura, defeated in battle, sought refuge in this area and built his residence here, giving the village its name, "Ouchi-juku," meaning "residence of the prince." During the Edo period, Ouchi-juku flourished as a vital post town on the Aizu Nishi Kaido, providing lodging and respite for travelers journeying between Aizu and Nikko.

However, with the passage of time and the advent of modern transportation, Ouchi-juku faced the threat of decline. Fortunately, it escaped the ravages of war and the modernization brought by railway development, allowing it to retain its Edo-era charm.

Curious, I stepped into one of the thatched-roof houses to experience life as it was centuries ago. Inside the dimly lit room, a charcoal fire burned in the hearth, casting a warm glow. Farm tools and household items adorned the walls, whispering tales of bygone days.

Emerging from the house, I gazed up at the weathered thatched roofs, my heart filled with admiration. The residents of Ouchi-juku have collectively protected this precious heritage. They established a pact of "no selling, no renting, no demolishing" and voluntarily maintained the traditional architecture and landscape, preserving this ancient village for all to see.

At noon, we ducked into a cozy restaurant with a thatched roof and savored a steaming bowl of the local delicacy, "Negi Soba" (buckwheat noodles with a leek). The unique experience of using a long green onion as chopsticks to savor the noodles was both novel and delicious.

Beyond its cuisine, Ouchi-juku cherishes its traditional crafts and way of life. We visited some craft shops, admiring the intricate handiwork of local residents and appreciating the warm hospitality.

Finally, I ascended the steps leading to the observation deck overlooking Ouchi-juku. The panoramic view was breathtaking – the ancient thatched roofs, laden with a thick layer of snow, resembled a cluster of white mushrooms nestled harmoniously in the valley. The scene was truly mesmerizing, a perfect blend of history and winter's pristine beauty.

I believe that Ouchi-juku's survival is not only due to its fortunate escape from war and railway development but also, more importantly, because of the residents' unwavering dedication. Their deep appreciation for their cultural heritage and love for their homeland have made Ouchi-juku a shining example of cultural preservation in Japan, allowing me to experience this remarkable journey through time.

Leaving Ouchi-juku, I was filled with admiration and gratitude. This ancient village is not only one of Japan's three major thatched settlements but also a shining example of cultural preservation. It stands as a testament to the passage of time and the enduring human spirit that strives to protect tradition while embracing the future.

In the afternoon, we bid farewell to this enchanting winter village and returned to the Aizu-Wakamatsu bus center. From there, we boarded a highway bus bound for Niigata, where we would catch our flight back to Taiwan. Reflecting on my journey, the winter landscapes of Tohoku, the soothing onsen, the delicious cuisine, and the unique historical charm of Ouchi-juku will forever hold a special place in my heart.



















Niigata City—the name may not resonate as loudly as Tokyo or Kyoto, but like a fine sake, it offers a crisp first taste and a lingering, profound finish that beckons you to savor it slowly. As I set foot on this land, I was immediately captivated by its unique character.

First and foremost, Niigata is a city embraced by water. The Shinano and Agano Rivers, two of Japan's longest, converge here before flowing into the sea, nurturing a fertile alluvial plain and shaping the soul of Niigata as a "water city".

Strolling along the Bandai Bridge, a six-arched bridge that spans the Shinano River, I felt a sense of history. It's not just a landmark of Niigata City but also stands as a weathered elder, silently guarding the city and witnessing its transformations over time.

Niigata is also the home of rice. Fertile land and abundant water resources have made this area one of Japan's premier rice-producing regions, particularly famous for its Koshihikari rice. In Niigata, one can savor truly authentic rice; each grain is plump, glistening, sweet, and soft. Even a simple pairing with some pickled vegetables elevates the experience to something unforgettable.

Naturally, good rice leads to good sake. Niigata's sake is renowned throughout the country for its clear, crisp, and smooth taste. From dry to sweet, each variety has its own unique flavor profile, a testament to the quality that leaves one in awe.

Beyond water and rice, Niigata boasts a rich history and culture. Furumachi, a district brimming with nostalgic charm, retains many traditional Japanese buildings. Walking through its streets feels like stepping back into the Edo period. Here, you can find many long-established restaurants, kimono shops, and handicraft stores, allowing you to immerse yourself in Niigata's unique cultural heritage.

Niigata is like an unpolished gem, requiring a discerning eye to discover its beauty. It lacks the hustle and bustle of a metropolis but offers a tranquil and profound serenity. It may not have towering skyscrapers but features traditional architecture with rustic elegance. It may not be packed with throngs of tourists at famous spots, but it possesses unique natural scenery and a rich cultural atmosphere.






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