Open Source iPhone Apps – Real App Store Code Examples!

The Open Source iPhone Apps

Each of these open source iPhone apps list below is not just open source, but has been in the app store, and all but one are in there right now. For developers, read the source code by others is another good way to improve the develop ability and code quality. So if you're looking for an example of some real apps here they are! It can be tough to learn how to develop, especially when it comes to finding complete examples.

1. ABC 123Sequence memorization game. Utilizes Cocos2D. (itunes link) (source code)

2. ArtificeStrategy game where you try to get to the other side by moving boxes out of the way. Utilizes Cocos2D. (itunes link) (source code)
3. Battle For WesnothFantasy themed turn based tactical RPG game available on several platforms and now the iPhone/iPad. (itunes link) (source code)
4. ColloquyConversion of the most popular Mac IRC client to the iPhone. (itunes link) (source code)

5. Countitout - A generic counting app. (itunes link) (source code)
6. Diceshaker - Dice rolling simulator designed for role-playing game enthusiasts. (itunes link) (source code)

7. Doom Classic - Classic 3D first person shooter. (itunes link) (source code) (build instructions)

8. Ecological Footprint - Calculate, display, and record your ecological footprint. (itunes link) (source code)
9. Echofon for Twitter Echofon is an easy to use, super-fast Twitter app for the iPhone and iPod Touch. (source code)

10. Fosdem - Calendar app for the Fosdem open source conference. (itunes link) (source code)
11. FreshbooksOpen Source iPhone app that enables usage of Freshbooks web invoicing software from your iPhone. (itunes link) (source code)
12. GorillasClassic Worms/iShoot turn based shooter type game converted to iPhone from basic. Utilizes Cocos2D. (itunes link) (source code).

13. iStrobe - Turns the iPhone 4 flash into a highly configurable strobe light. (itunes link) (source code)
14. Last.fmSoftware that enables usage of the platform for personal radio stations. (itunes link) (source code)

15. London Tube Status – Get up to the minute service level details on all London Underground tube lines, DLR and Overground. (source code)
16. MiniBooks Lite for FreshBooks - MiniBooks Lite puts the popular web invoicing software FreshBooks in the palm of your hand. (source code)

17. Mobilesynth A monophonic synthesizer designed for live performance. (itunes link) (source code)

18. Mobilesynth by Allen PorterAllows you to view 3D models of molecules and manipulate them through touch. (source code)

19. Molecules – Allows you to view 3D models of molecules and manipulate them through touch. (itunes link) (source code)

20. Mover – Mover+ is the quickest way to move stuff from iPhone A to iPhone B, with style. Allows you to transfer stuff from one iPhone to another by “flicking” it to the other device. (itunes link) (source code)

21. Natsulion - A basic twitter client converted from mac. (itunes link) (source code)

22. NevoChessA Xiangqi game. (itunes link) (source code)
23. NowPlayingAllows you to check local theater listings, and check rotten tomato ratings. (itunes link) (source code)
24. PacklogBackpack journal client. (itunes link) (source code)

25. PlainNote - Simple Open Source Notepad. (itunes link) (source code)
26. PocketFlixFind movies, and manage your Netflix information. (itunes link) (source code)

27. Puff PuffBeautiful underwater 2D game utilizing Cocos2D and Openfeint featuring unique physics based gameplay. (itunes link) (source code)

28. reMailE-mail client featuring ultra-fast search. Removed from app store, but source made available. (source code)
29. RobotFindsKittenPort of a very silly “classic” ASCII game. (itunes link) (source code)
30. Sci-15 HPCalcCalculator app based on classic scientific HP-Calculator. (itunes link) (source code)

31. SpaceBubbleSpace game featuring core graphics, and accelerometer usage. (itunes link) (source code)
32. Star3MapAugmented reality star and planet charting application. (itunes link) (source code)
33. Stockfish ChessA chess game featuring extremely effective AI . (itunes link) (source code)
34. Task CoachPersonal to-do list and task manager. (itunes link) (source code)

35. Tux RideriPhone port of the extremely popular, and beautiful 3D Tux Racer game. (itunes link) (source code)
36. TweejumpPlatform jumping game inspired by Icy Tower. Utilizes Cocos2D. (itunes link) (source code)

37. TweeteeEnhanced version of the Natsulion Twitter Client. (itunes link) (source code)
38. TweeteroBasic twitter client with image uploading. (itunes link) (source code)

39. TwitterfonSuper-fast intuitive twitter client. (itunes link) (source code)
40. ViralFireUnique game where you are a dodging blood cell. (itunes link) (source code)
41. WikihowA reader app for the popular how to wiki site. (itunes link) (source code)

42. Wolfenstein 3D Classic PlatinumIf you haven’t heard of Wolfenstein post below so we can say a prayer for you. (itunes link) (source code)
43. WordPressClient for managing WordPress blogs. Also has an iPad version. (itunes link) (source code)

44. XpilotSimple massively multiplayer arcade shooter from the early days of the internet. (itunes link) (source code)
45. YourRightsPocket database containing a summary of your legal rights. (itunes link) (source code)

46. ZBarA barcode reader open source iphone app. (itunes link) (source code)
Check them out if you are working on something similar or think they might have a feature you could use there’s no reason to re-invent the wheel. Always make sure you understand the licenses as many of these open source iPhone apps are GPL and require that you open source your app.

47. 31 iPhone Example Applications
Here you will find 31 examples to help you get started as an iPhone developer.



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