2018, June 11~16【泰北♡清萊】Travel to Chiang Rai, Northern Thailand (4th visit to Thailand)

佛教不但是古時人民重要的精神支持,也是平民受教育的唯一可能,而現在泰北寺廟裡的經文,仍以蘭納文字書寫。 蘭納地區的民俗節日以潑水節 (Songkran) 和水燈節 (Loi Kratong) 最為知名。潑水節也是泰國的新年,於每年的4月13~15日舉行,人們互相潑水以賀新年新希望。而泰北的水燈節更結合了天燈節 (Yi Peng),慶典活動更為熱鬧,水燈節於每年的11月左右舉行,人們施放蠟燭隨水漂流,或是讓天燈隨風而逝,可去除一年的厄運,帶來上天的祝福。
這次來到泰國,去了一些寺廟、逛了傳統市集,去了富有原始景色的叢林健行,造訪了 Khun Korn Waterfall、Pu Kaeng Waterfall 兩個瀑布。接著繼續一路向北,到了泰國最北點-美塞(Mae Sai)。
最後也去了傳說中的金三角(Golden Triangle)。金三角曾經是世界上生產最多鴉片、海洛英等毒品的地方,過去不少大毒販都集中在這裡,毒品交易多不勝數。直至近年,泰國政府全面禁毒,積極打壓不法分子,金三角地區終於不再種植罌粟花,改為種植稻米、水果和蔬菜。如今的金三角已經不再與毒品有關係,而變成遠近馳名的觀光區。
接下來,再往山上開車約一個半小時,到了盛產茶葉的中國雲南族村莊-美斯樂(Doi Mae Salong),在這裡品嚐了正港的雲南豬腳🐷、饅頭,以及高山烏龍茶🍵
旅途中,品嚐了好多美味又便宜的泰式料理(連路邊攤的CP值都超高),也喝了不少好喝的咖啡☕ ,還首次在泰國享受了天然溫泉♨️,下次要去清邁看大象🐘🐘🌲

The City of Chiang Rai was founded in 1262 by the first king of Lanna - King Meng Rai as the first capital of the Lanna Kingdom. Chiang Rai is historic Thai cultural place with Lanna Style lifestyle, activities, festivals and community events are conducted at The Legend Chiang Rai.

As a part of the Kingdom of Thailand the Lanna cities of Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Lampang, Lamphun, Chiang Saen, Payao, and Nan are all administered by Thai governors and officials, just like the rest of Thailand. However, the legacy of 1,000 years of history is stunningly beautiful in its complexity, making Lanna, and Chiang Mai in particular, one of the most visited historical cities in the whole of Asia.

Get the NokScoot cheap flight to Bangkok, Thailand (Cost me only about 4,000NTD for roundtrip)

Arrive Don Mueang International Airport in the afternoon

June 11 - Driving from Bangkok to Phitsanulok
This time we take a road trip from Bangkok to Chiang Rai (stay a night at Phitsanulok).
We plan to stay overnight in Phitsanulok and then head out to Phayao in the morning, and then go travel around Chiang Rai in the following days.

Have Thai style food for lunch

Café Amazon is a chain of Thai cafes, it has been in the coffee business for 11 years since 2002.

We stay in the hotel close to Phitsanulok Night Bazaar. It's a local night bazaar with mainly low price clothing.

Come for a street food dinner!

June 12 - Go to temple and then driving to Phayao

Wat Phra Si Royal Temple
Wat Nang Phaya is a monastery in Phitsanulok, Thailand. The temple is famous for its golden Buddha image named Phra Buddha Chinnarat, considered by many to be the most beautiful Buddha image in Thailand. It is one of the most highly revered images in the country, which makes the temple an important pilgrimage site for Thai Buddhists. The large standing buddha image is found in front of the temple’s prang. In front of the image are the ruins of a large chapel. Behind the Phra Attharos is a 36 meter high prang in the Ayutthaya style that enshrines relics of the Buddha.

Driving from Phitsanulok to Phayao in the afternoon

Have street food lunch

Thanks for the delicious dinner!

June 13 - Spend a day in Phayao
Phayao has a long history; established in 1095 it became the centre of a small state which succeeded somehow to remain independent until the 15th century when it became part of the Lanna Kingdom which was ruling over the north of Thailand at that time. Phayao became an independent province only in 1977 – until that it had been a part of Chiang Rai province.

Go have lunch

Coffee time

Traditional market in Phayao

Virtually enveloped by mountains and valleys, Phayao is a peaceful province.

Thanks for delicious dinner

June 14 - Half Day Trip to Doi Luang National Park
Located 65 kilometers south of Chiang Rai, Doi Luang National Park is one of the largest national parks in Northern Thailand.
One interesting tourist attraction there is Pu Kaeng Waterfall, a beautiful massive waterfall in Chiang Rai. It is a large waterfall amid virgin jungle with water cascading down limestone brooks and it has 9 tiers containing lots of stalagmites and stalactites.

Driving to Chiang Rai City in the afternoon

Have dinner in LuLum Chiang Rai restaurant

June 15 - Visit the Khun Korn Waterfall Forest Park and Mae Sai
The Khun Korn Waterfall is located about 30 kilometres (45 minutes) south-west of Chiang Rai town center. It is an easy half day trip from Chiang Rai with your own motorbike or car

We tried out this cafe near our hotel in Chiang Rai one morning for breakfast. I like the caramel latte there!

After breakfast, we driving from Chiang Rai City to Khun Korn Waterfall

Half day trip to Khun Korn Waterfall
Khun Korn Waterfall is one of the best waterfalls in Chiang Rai. Deep in the jungle of northern Thailand hides a huge 70 metre tall waterfall. This is the tallest in the north of Thailand. A destination you must visit!
As you approach the Khun Korn Forest Park, dense green jungle surrounds the road. At the end of the 10 kilometre jungle road, you will find a small park headquarters. This is the start of the hiking trail.

Driving from Khun Korn Waterfall to Mae Sai

Mae Sai is the northernmost district of Chiang Rai Province in northern Thailand. The town of Mae Sai is a major border crossing between Thailand and Myanmar. 

Have lunch in a side of the road restaurant, the local foods are cheap and incredibly delicious! 
Totally cost only 250THB. Be sure to stop off here for lunch if hungry.

June 16 - Golden Triangle and Doi Mae Salong Day Trip from Mae Sai

Have breakfast nearby the hotel

Visit to the world famous Golden Triangle
Visiting the renowned Golden Triangle is a must to complete the trip to Chiang Rai province! 
This is the famous location where the borders of Thailand, Laos, and Myanmar meet in the middle of the Mekong River. 
The Golden Triangle was formerly known as the world’s major producer of opium, which was later improved thanks to the works of the Royal Projects. It is also the birthplace of various legends of the Lanna culture.

Driving from Golden Triangle to Doi Mae Salong

Pa Tueng Hot Spring
Our first stop is at the Pa Tueng Hot Spring. It is alson known as ‘Huao Hin Fon Hot Springs’. It is a quiet and peaceful place for every families. If you’re going to have long holidays, you should start planning for reaching there.

Doi Mae Salong a small, ethnically Chinese village with delicious Yunnanese food, located northwest of Chiang Rai. The village is at an elevation of 1,130 meters, not too high, but high enough to have fresh mountain air, and cooler weather.

At the end of the Chinese Civil War, a group of Chinese, who wouldn’t succumb to defeat, lived nomadic lives in Myanmar. Eventually they found their way to the hilltops of Mae Salong, where they set up a village.  The Thai government allowed them to stay in Thailand, as long as they fought for Thailand.

The mountain view of Doi Mae Salong
Mae Salong is an absolute tea drinkers paradise, and many of the local people in Mae Salong were friendly and inviting.

Chinese steamed buns (mantou) and Yunnanese style Braised Pork Leg are probably the most famous food to eat at Mae Salong.

View of the mountain village on our Mae Salong half day trip! Mae Salong is a wonderful place to visit.

Finally, enjoy the hot spring in Pa Tueng Onsen before flying to Bangkok.

It was a wonderful trip but very short! See you soon Chiang Rai.


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