2017, Oct 1st ~ 4th【泰北♡清萊】Travel to Chiang Rai, Northern Thailand (2nd visit to Thailand)

Chiang Rai Province is located in the northernmost of Thailand. It is a mountainous region with rivers and jungles, so there is a lot of beautiful nature surrounding the area.
The north of Chiang Rai borders Myanmar, the south borders Phayao Province, the east borders Laos, and the west borders Chiang Mai Province.
The cool season is the perfect time to visit Chiang Rai because the weather will be incredible and you will get a chance to enjoy beautiful views from the mountain tops.

Phu Sang National Park is located 90 kilometers from Phayao Province. Take the Phayao–DokKhamtai–Chun –Chiang Kham –Thoeng Route, 6 kilometers from Amphoe Chiang Kham. The National Park provides accommodation, camping areas, as well as convenience stores for tourists.

Phu Chi Fa Forest Park is one of the most famous destinations uphill in Chiang Rai, especially during winter time, when visitors try to reach its cliff that offers spectacular views of the valley and sea of mist at sunrise.
The peak stands at an elevation of 1,628 meters above sea level and offers amazing views of the landscape below.  From the peak, you will expect to experience the views over Mekong River and the spectacular mountain scenery.

The village of Pha Tang has the lodgings, from camping tents, hotel rooms to bungalows. The cost is about 200 baht per tent to 500-800 baht per bungalow. However, if you avoid major Thai holidays and weekends, there is plenty of supply for lodging.

Doi Pha Tang far from Chiang Rai town about 160 kilometers, and is about 25 kilometers north from the well-known Chiang Rai’s tourist destination – Phu Chi Fah
In Doi Pha Tang there is a very beautiful hill on the border between Thailand and Laos located in Wiang Kaen district of Chiang Rai.
The best time to go hiking in Doi Pha Tang is during December and January. The Sakura trees are in full bloom at the end of each year and pathways covered in pink like floss makes it an ethereal experience.
A short trek in nearby hills finds a mountain gap which overlooks the lower planes of the North. Views of the Mekong river and on the opposite the lands of Laos. The diversity in these areas partly due to the location near the Golden Triangle where four countries come together; Thailand, Laos, Burma and China (Yunnan). 
While the viewpoint is what drives visitors to Doi Pha Tang it is more popular in early months (January to March) when the area blooms with pink Bauhinia flowers and Thai Sakura.

The Mekong River is a river in the south-eastern part of the continent of Asia. It flows through the countries of China, Burma, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and finally Vietnam. The Mekong begins in the Lasagongma Spring which is in the plateaus of Tibet, disputed part of China, and flows about 2,703 miles (4,350 km) south-east to the South China Sea.

The Baan Dam Museum (also known as the Chiang Rai Black Temple or Black House Museum) is a museum and gallery that was home to the renowned Thai artist, Thawan Duchanee.

Wat Rong Khun, also known as the White Temple, is the most popular attraction in northern Thailandand is located about 30 minutes south of the historic city of Chiang Rai. This temple was designed and built by artist Chaloemchai Khositphiphat in 1998 and building still continues today.

The Chiang Rai Night Bazaar is a vibrant market that brings Chiang Rai to life at dusk. It is similar to Chiang Mai’s night market, albeit on a smaller scale.
The Night Bazaar is held nightly between 6pm-midnight and sells a huge range of hand crafted items, cloting as well as authentic Thai foods.

Laluna Hotel & Resort Chiang Rai


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